Here you see my closest friends in Germany, Johannes and Dagmar, with their two children, Clemens and Carolinchen. Johannes works as a Surgeon in the Rosenheimer Krankenhaus where I also worked. His wife Dagmar is a Paediatrician.


Liebe  Freunde, Ihr fehlt mir noch! Irgendwann schon warden wir Euch besuchen, aber wir hoffen, daß Ihr uns noch besuchen werdet. Wir heissen Euch schon willkommen!

Above you see (from left) Angela, Maria and myself at a nurse party. No, no, dont ask!! Was fun!

And another party, from left, Michaela (Student Nurse), myself, Dagmar and Clemens (star of the show)


These two ladies on the right are two of the Ward Sisters (head nurses) for whom I had the pleasure and privilege of working whilst I was in Germany. Veronika follows a similar path to mine and taught me all I know about herbs and the like (or, at least, the German equivalent). Annelies was the most organised and just leader I ever worked for, barring none. Nice ladies.

Ihr bleibt mir noch lieb, meine Freunde, ich denke so oft an Euch!
